Afternoon Jazz Concert...

Watched an afternoon Jazz concert at the 4 Seasons Performance Centre and got some top view doodles!
How often do you see this view of a Drum Kit?! :) 

Got my nails DID!

 Im not usually a nail polish person...BUT today's a different story!
Took a little trip to Sephora and 45min later  (: colourful, sew happy, sew fun!!  
These nails boost my confidence up by 100% Weeeeeee
Since were on the topic of fun nails- I want to share my Barbie Girl pictures with you! my old work we were testing nail products and came across this amazing TOY! 
Of course we bought it and I must say I was seriously the happiest girl alive playing with this product!
Oh blow my mind :D
One of the designers for this toy!  Her name is JOY!??! How fitting!

Boots, Ink & Crayola!

Drawings of boots for all the rainy days we've had in the past week!

And a skeleton... :)